
경복대학교 입학


2018-2 Winter Survey Results – 1

박완수 2020.09.27 조회수 473

저작권 등 다른 사람의 권리를 침해하거나 명예를 훼손하는 게시글은 이용약관 및 관련법률에 의해 제재를 받으실 수 있습니다.

KBU Overseas Employmen Support Program

인터뷰 장소 : IKEA, MDIS cafeteria ...

The number of respondents was 28 people, among whom 11 males and 17 females were found to be 39% males and 61 females.
Respondents’s national varied. 12 people were Singaporeans, 5 people were Chinese, 4 people were Indian, 2 people were American, 1 person was Japanese, 1 person was Malaysian, 1 person was Ukraine, 1 person was European, 1 person was none.

1. What do you think is a healthy life style?

13 respondents said “Exercising”, 11 respondents said “Eating healthy”, 3 respondents said “Healthy diet”, 3 respondents said “Sleep well”, 2 respondents said “Sport”, 2 respondents said “Study”. And other respondents said variety.

2. Do you take any supplement? Why?
Most of the survey respondents said “No”. Just 5 respondents said “Yes”. They take vitamins or nutrients. Did not take supplement respondents said “Health enough”, “Don’t like medicine”, “Too expensive”, “Don’t believe supplement”.

3. Have you ever been on a diet?
There are 15 people who answered yes and 13 people who answered no. More than half of them are have been on a diet.

4. Where do you get stress?
Most of the survey respondents said college and study. Other respondents said “Exam”, “Group project”, “Dieting”, “Pursuit of stress”, “Life”.

5. Where do you do for health?
Most of the survey respondents said exercising and eating healthy. Specifically they said “Monitoring workout and diet”, “Drink a lot of water”, “Eat less sugar”, “Drink detox water”, “Eat medicine”.

6. Have you had medical check-up in last year?
There are 16 people who answered yes and 12 people who answered no. More than half of them are have had medical check-up in last year. It showed less person had medical check-up in last year.

7. How do you relieve your stress?
6 respondents said “Listen to music”, 3 respondents said “Reading”, 3 respondents said “Exercising”, 2 respondents said “Talk to friends”, 2 respondents said “Go to church”. And other respondents said variety.

8. How often do you drink alcohol in a month?
In this graph, 20 respondents said 0 to 3 times drink alcohol in a month, 2 respondents said 4 to 6 times drink alcohol in a month, 1 respondent said 7 to 10 times drink alcohol in a month, 5 respondents said over 11 times drink alcohol in a month.

9. How often do you exercise in a month?
In this graph, 12 respondents said 0 to 3 exercise in a month, 2 respondents said 4 to 6 times exercise in a month, 4 respondent said 7 to 10 times exercise in a month, 10 respondents said over 11 times exercise in a month.

10. How many hours do you sleep a day?
In this graph, 3 respondents said 0 to 3 hours sleep a day, 11 respondents said 4 to 6 hours sleep a day, 13 respondent said 7 to 10 hours sleep a day, 1 respondents said over 11 hours sleep a day.

to 6 hours sleep a day, 13 respondent said 7 to 10 hours sleep a day, 1 respondents said over 11 hours sleep a day.
